Mulesoft Integration With Docusign
Mulesoft Integration With DocuSign
DocuSign is a software that allows users to electronically sign and send documents. It is a leader in the electronic signature (e-signature) technology industry.
Benefits :
Saves time and money
Reduces environmental impact
Makes business faster, simpler, and more cost-efficient
Meets or exceeds global security standards
Features :
Payments: Sign and pay in a single step
SMS and WhatsApp delivery: Accelerate signatures by delivering agreements via SMS or WhatsApp
Contract Lifecycle Management: Automate your contract lifecycle
eWitness: Sign & witness high value agreements
Step 1: Create a DocuSign account and Drop Documents
In order to use the DocuSign connector, you need to first create the DocuSign credentials for the connector to interact with DocuSign.
You can create an account for free at the Developer Center.
Step 2: Create integration key and secret key
Create an integration key: Visit the Apps and Keys page on DocuSign. Click on Add App and Integration Key, provide a name for the app, and click Create App. This will generate an Integration Key.
2.Generate a secret key: Under the Authentication section, click on Add Secret Key. This will generate a secret Key. Make sure to copy and save both the Integration Key and Secret Key.
3.Add a redirect URI: Click on Add URI and enter your redirect URI
4.select All Methods and click Save button.
Mulesoft Integration using DocuSign Connector
DocuSign helps organizations connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act on, and manage agreements. The Anypoint connector for DocuSign enables you to upload, share, and electronically sign documents and thereby accelerate core process in your organization.
Baseuri: Account Base URI
Consumerkey: Integration Key
Consumersecret: secret Key
AccountId: API AccountID
EnvelopeId: EnvelopeId
Documents Get Documents:
Retrieves a list of documents associated with the specified envelope.
Documents Get Document:
Retrieves the specified document from the envelope.
Envelopes Get Envelope:
Retrieves the overall status for the specified envelope.
Envelopes Get Envelopes:
Retrieves a list of envelopes that match your request. A large set of optional filters let you filter by date, by envelope ID, or by status codes.